Top 10 Healthy Holiday Tips for Moms


7. Create a holiday travel plan

Photo courtesy of by imagerymajestic

If you are travelling to a nice and warm vacation spot, then you are lucky enough to eat ready-made food, have the hotel or resort staff take care of you, your room and you have all the time in the world to get entertained. Make sure you include some sort of physical activity in your daily program. Every hotel has a pool that you and your family can use, or better yet use the beach if you are close to it. Put that bikini body in a bikini and enjoy the sun, but have your muscles do some work to burn the extra food that you get to eat during these holidays.

6. Food is your friend, food is your foe

Remember that you are what you eat. If you eat healthy and well, then your body will reflect that and you will feel better. If you do the opposite then you will notice things such as fatigue, appetite problems, indigestion and so on and even worse in a few days or weeks you will notice those extra pounds on the scale and also in your dress sizes. It is your responsibility to make sure you put the right type of food in your body. Do your research and find out what is considered healthy food, but in general eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay away from processed foods, sugary juices and those tasty looking chocolate bars inside plastic wraps (with plastic inside the bars that you eat). So remember what food is your friend, eat that and make sure you exercise moderation in everything that you do and eat.

If your kids don’t like healthy food, as is the current trend, look at some great online resources to turn these healthy and green food staples into awesome and tasty recipes. Do a search on Google, Youtube or other websites and you will find tons of great ideas. You may also want to get some healthy recipe books and eBooks.

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5. Limit TV and video game time

Photo courtesy of by Ambro

Besides the food, you and your kids harm your health by being couch potatoes. Don’t let your kids spend too much time in front of that new LED television set or use the XBox that your son received as a present for more than 30 minutes to 1 hour every day. I know this sounds quite drastic, but you have promised yourself that your child needs to be healthy. Instead have them read great books, spend more time with the grand parents and other relatives and connect with you during the holidays. You have a great opportunity to tell stories, share personal experiences and bond with your kids during these days, so use the time to do so and don’t waste this precious time on TV or other non-productive activities.
Next Page: 4. Allow your family to move around

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About Author

Victoria Stevens

I am a passionate writer, researcher and a full time mother of 3 very active children. I am constantly looking for new information and solutions to every day challenges and problems. My children keep me busy at home, my husband supports me with everything that I do and my work extremely demanding. I find that when I write about solutions to everyday problems, I feel better knowing that I may have helped someone else in my position, if not now may be in the future. I enjoy being associated with Mom Exclusive as a contributor and columnist and I do hope all other moms will find my work interesting and useful. Drop me a line if you would like to discuss anything.

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