• Noud Johnsen posted an update 4 years, 6 months ago  · 

    Be it the idea of cryptocurrencies itself or diversification of their portfolio, people from all areas of life are buying digital currencies. If you are new to the concept and wondering what are you doing, here are a few basic concepts and considerations for investment in cryptocurrencies.What cryptocurrencies are available and just how will i purchase them?Using a market cap of about $278 billion, Bitcoin is the most established cryptocurrency. Ethereum is second with a market cap of over $74 billion. Besides both of these currencies, there are numerous of other choices too, including Ripple ($28B), Litecoin ($17B), and MIOTA ($13B).Being first to advertise, there are tons of exchanges for Bitcoin trade all over the world. BitStamp and Coinbase are two well-known US-based exchanges. Bitcoin.de is an established European exchange. If you are thinking about trading other digital currencies in addition to Bitcoin, a arbitrage trading is where you will discover every one of the digital currencies in one place. Here is a list of exchanges in accordance with their 24-hour trade volume.What options do I have to store my money?Another significant consideration is storage with the coins. One option, of course, would be to store it around the exchange where you purchase them. However, you will have to be cautious in picking the exchange. The recognition of digital currencies has triggered many new, unknown exchanges popping up everywhere. Take the time to do your research so you can steer clear of the scammers.Another option you’ve with cryptocurrencies is you can store them yourself. Among the safest choices for storing ignore the is hardware wallets. Companies like Ledger permit you store Bitcoins and many other digital currencies too.