• Senna Kruse posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago  · 

    This article has great information to assist them with doing that.Speak with a physical immediately once you feel a yeast infection forming. Allowing the yeast infection to go untreated will only cause it to worsen. Seek out the proper treatment at the first sign of symptoms.A lot of sweat makes for a warm, moist environment. This kind of environment can be very friendly to yeast growth. Dress in clothing made from cotton, linen, silk and other natural materials. This ensures that dampness doesn’t congregate near your skin. Avoid synthetic material like Lycra, spandex and nylon. These materials can trap in sweat and hold it close to your body.Cotton underwear is the best option when you have a yeast infection. Although you might feel and look better with silky underwear, they can make you feel uncomfortable so avoid wearing them. Try to stick to cotton panties that allow your vaginal area some much needed air. This can help stop yeast infections from developing in the first place.Avoid scented soaps and bubble baths to prevent any yeast infections. These scented products can help yeast flourish and increase the chances of getting an infection. Scented sanitary pads and tampons have a similar impact, so avoid them too.Never use perfumed or scented products on your genital area. The chemical compounds found in scented products can alter the natural pH of your vaginal area. This can result in itchiness and dryness. When this happens, you create the perfect place for yeast organisms to grow. Use non-scented hygiene products and look out for any discomfort or burning that may occur.If you have to use a cream to treat your yeast infection, do not use condoms or diaphragms. The cream has the potential of interfering with these birth control devices. You should not have sex until your infection is cured. If you are hesitant to do so, discuss your situation with a medical professional.Avoid synthetic fibers and tight clothing. Apparel that is tight-fitting restricts proper ventilation and traps moisture and heat, particularly underwear. Yeast thrives in areas where the air isn’t able to circulate. Wear cotton based clothing, which can take in moisture so that it does not touch your skin.Consider eating a single cup of yogurt each day. The bacterias in yogurt help fight against the organisms that allow a yeast infection from forming. However, eating yogurt won’t cure an existing infection.Change your clothing after working out or swimming. Don’t lounge around in your wet or sweaty clothes after a workout or swim. The moisture in this kind situation is very conducive to yeast growth. Be sure to change clothing right after completing any workout. Also make sure that you change your underwear as well.Bubble baths are a poor idea if you desire to stop recurrent yeast infections. These scents can cause more bacteria on your skin, and yield an infection. Also, avoid using tampons or sanitary pads that are scented.Yeast infections cause itching and burning, and far too many women have memories of this. However, sufferers must know there are a lot of ways to treat and prevent yeast infections that do work. Use the advice here as a place to begin. Home Remedies for Yeast Infection