• Pollard Sweet posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago  · 

    female dermatologist near me is the largest organ of the body. It is the first line of defense against infections, punctures, and other injuries. It is often the most neglected part of the body. People have a primary doctor and a regular dentist who is seen at least once a year. Very few have a dermatologist that is seen annually.


    good dermatologist Go

    People typically go not make an appoint for general dermatology until they get a wart, rash, mole, or begin to notice signs of aging. Seeing a dermatologist is wise because baselines can be established, instructions on how to care for the skin can be explained, and diagnosing a new problem is faster. The doctor is familiar with the type of skin a patient has, if any spots have appeared from one year to the next, and the family history.

    Waiting until there is a problem can result in a delay in diagnosis and treatment. The small spot on the right forearm may be nothing. It may also be early signs of skin cancer. Fast treatment coincides with quick removal of the spot. What looks like dry skin can be psoriasis. Caught early,
    local dermatologist is often treated with creams to control the redness, scaly feeling, and number of spots that appear.

    Looking Younger

    The advances of modern technology have provided a variety of ways to look younger. Injections can start in the mid-twenties to keep fine lines from becoming deep wrinkles for decades. The options for minimally-invasive cosmetic dermatology are growing constantly. There are laser treatments, ultrasound treatments to tighten the skin, and injections that can reduce fat cells in the chin and neck area. Most have zero downtime and only minor side effects, it any.


    The latest in cutting edge technology is a treatment to eliminate sweat and odor glands from the armpits. Treatment is done in the office, takes about an hour, and is permanent. Some patients see results in one treatment, while others may need a second one. This is the only procedure of its kind that is FDA-approved and on the market.

    Electromagnetic energy targets heat at glands that eliminates them. Once gone, they cannot regenerate. Safety and comfort are accomplished by a cooling system for the surface of the skin. No more deodorants or antiperspirants need to be purchased because there is no sweat or odor. This also means no staining on shirts. Another benefit is a permanent reduction in underarm hair growth.